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Co- director

Ellie Kealey


David Gill

David Gill is a journalist, photographer and filmmaker, who was based in Afghanistan for over six years and has worked across Africa and the Middle East. Clients include Al Jazeera, BBC and Channel 4, National Geographic and major newspapers including The Guardian, Sunday Times and The Telegraph.


Samer Qatta

Getaway Driver

Naels Mossallam

Ellie Kealey is a freelance photographer and videographer with over 8 years’ experience working extensively across Central Asia & MENA region. Recent assignments include; South Sudan for the UN; social care in Kurdistan and Iraq; female empowerment in Tunisia, Morocco and Palestine; Syrian refugees in the Bekaa valley, Lebanon.


Nael Mosallam is Palestinian journalist and artist. He has worked as a translator for international news agencies including  Aljazeera and CBC. He is currently working on a feature film to be produced in Gaza.

Samer Qatta is a Palestinian producer and filmmaker from Gaza City who has worked for regional media organizations including Sharqyya News and international aid organisations including Oxfam and UNDP. He has recently completed the feature film Fishless Sea, documenting the impact of the land, sea and air blockade on fishing families in Gaza.  

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